Feeding Frenzy: Dog Tired, Miscreance, & more – 19||05||23
Welcome to Slow Dragon Music‘s review Feeding Frenzy, where we go snapping and snarling through notable recent and upcoming releases.
***we like to arrange our meals in alphabetical order***
Arrealhue – Post Lux Tenebras (album)

Chilean atmospheric black folk metallers, Arrealhue, release their first full long-player, Post Lux Tenebras.
These South Americans really like to get around all those tags as well. Atmosphere and folk elements are clearly an important factor to them, with most tracks beginning in this vein. Track 5, El Corso, is an eerie piece, dedicated in its entirety to water sound samples and dusty piano. There is also some serious black metal on offer too, though. Frequent use of choral dirges point towards influences such as Батюшка and Rotting Christ. Meanwhile, harsher vocals nod to the slightly more bestial likes of Watain and Mork. The music follows suit, with additives of experimentation and a broader relationship with metal in general. These components aren’t filtered out separately as such. They kind of swell and sway from one to the next, and it feels very natural, while still unsettling at times. A great spin, but I think we’ll see this lot refining their sound a little more on future releases.
Slow Dragon
Bolverk – Svarte Sekunder (album)

Norway’s Bolverk return with their second album, to be released via Wormholedeath.
Equal parts progressive death and black metal, Svarte Sekunder (“black seconds” in English), could easily be described as a bit avant garde. There are plenty of metal staples scattered throughout; gallops, tremolo picking, and more, but Bolverk also like to get a bit more diverse. From almost spoken word, folk vocal sections, to unexpectedly sprawling lead segments, and more, they know when to chuck in a curve ball. Sombre Soliloquy, moving things into the second half, properly stands out as something unique, with huge classic prog meanderings. This album reeks of that extreme metal Scandinavian cool, which the Norwegian underground in particular seems to be finding rather easy of late. Make sure to get fired into this latest addition. Consider this a high recommendation. We’ll certainly be keeping tabs on this lot.
Slow Dragon
Djinn-Ghül – Opulence (album)

Release Date: 14th July 2023||Genre: Industrial death metal||Label: Vicious Instinct Records
Less than two years following the release of their critically lauded EP “Mechalith”, industrialized death-metal unit Djinn-Ghül are now ready to unleash their third full-length album “Opulence”.
Overlaid on the slam-focused DM here, is an eerie hint of black metal. It’s a boon for an album which has some slower, doomier passages, with the darkness helping to maintain intensity. The ‘industrial’ edge, to which they self-refer, is very reminiscent of Anaal Nathrakh in its application. It’s no wonder, with the other musical components naturally leading to a rapid pummeling. There’s no operatics, though. Plenty of “ough”s and “bleugh”s. But none of that softy singing lark. I did say when previous EP came out, I wanted to hear a full-length in the same vein, and that’s exactly what we’ve got here. Sure, it has used the extra time to open things up a little bit, but this is the familiar face-pasting we’ve been waiting for. Glorious!
Slow Dragon
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Dog Tired – The Red Verse (album)

Edinburgh’s heroes of the riff, Dog Tired, reach into another realm for album 5, The Red Verse.
I bet you didn’t think Dog Tired could get any heavier, did you? Well, you would be a person who was wrong! It Came From The Sun and The Electric Abyss will have prepared you somewhat, but this is an organically superior beast. The word “visceral” isn’t wasted here. Fast paced sections explode from machine-tight to barely-controlled-fury, and the underlying groove for which they are known sticks consistently at bite point. Cunning embellishments are subtly applied throughout, taking things to another level of riff-craft. On a personal favourite note, the choruses (where they exist) are flowing at full strength. A little nod to those of us who have been there from day one. All in, this is a world class release, and if we did “album of the month”… Well… Ladies and gents, you’re about to hear Dog Tired, but you’re not prepared. This is one well worth wrecking your speakers too!
“A+ (extra credit for exemplary development)”
Slow Dragon
Feeding Frenzy: Dog Tired, Miscreance, & more – 19||05||23
Industrial Puke – Born Into The Twisting Rope (album)

From Sweden, Industrial Puke lash out with their caustic debut album, Born Into The Twisting Rope.
Grabbing a huge slice of hardcore influence, this is filthy, punishing death metal, with a stupid amount of punk energy. There’s a real animalistic chunkiness to the music, and the cracked, Araya tone vocals crown it neatly. The bass in particular is as gristly as it comes. Made up of members from Burst, Obstruktion, Blessings, Gust and Rentokiller, there’s some serious weight behind Industrial Puke. This collective have taken everything they know about extreme songwriting, and poured it into every track. If you’ve missed the primitive rush of new Power Trip, this could well be your fix. Churning out stomp after stomp, the whole release is stacked with power, and needs to get in your ears! Debut or not, Born Into The Twisting Rope is an instant classic.
Slow Dragon
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Miscreance – Convergence (album: re-issue)

Italy’s Miscreance bring their 2022 debut album, Convergence, back together on Season Of Mist.
Proving that thrash can be serious, and evocative, without falling into derivative idioms, Convergence is a highly entertaining listen. Miscreance’s rattling, groovy death-thrash comes with enough technical flips to keep things consistently spicy. It kicks off with a real, old school feel, and doesn’t let up, but spirals through some impressive musicianship. Those who have followed both progressive thrash and death metal with an open mind will find a lot to relate to. Personally, I’ve been thinking a lot about Slammer X since they started announcing live shows again, and there are some shades of …Idle Hands in the guitar work here. That sort of twisted, tumbling riffery, still packed with meat, is one for the lifers. Instrumentally, this album incorporates the perfect complexity of death-thrash, but with a consistently blackened death metal vocal for the most part. No over-production or super-noodling. Just raw, roots metal, with great tracks.
Slow Dragon
Feeding Frenzy: Dog Tired, Miscreance, & more – 19||05||23