Feeding Frenzy: Psycroptic, Thundermother, & more – 26||07||22
Welcome to Slow Dragon Music‘s review Feeding Frenzy, where we go snapping and snarling through notable recent and upcoming releases.
***we like to arrange our meals in alphabetical order***
Funeral Chic – Roman Candle (album)

Release Date: 29th July 2022||Genre: Hardcore americana||Label: Prosthetic Records
With album number three, North Carolinans, Funeral Chic have opened up a bonafide can of whoopass!
While they haven’t completely ditched their original, high-gain, rail gun hardcore, this album is an entirely new beast. From the opening number, it feels like everything is smothered in brutally sneering Americana. Indeed, that introductory piece is even titled Made In America. The punk rock n roll is pushed up into the red, too, which has a strange side-effect; The metal end of their writing comes out somewhat blackened. Then, out of nowhere, they drop some smooth sax, accompanied by church bells… Cutting back into the heavy stuff, it’s time for more of that “nastier peak-Danzig” vibe. Kicking up dust, and spitting venom, Roman Candle suppurates attitude and rebellion at every turn in the road. It’s a natural born classic, certain to appear on a few “albums of the year” lists by the end of 2022.
Grade: A+ (plus merit for balls out personality)
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Mantar – Pain Is Forever And This Is The End (album)

Hamburg two-man project, Mantar, recently released their latest full-length, Pain Is Forever And This Is The End.
While I’ve heard the name, this is somehow my introduction proper to Mantar. Kicking off with opener, Egoisto, this sounds like some pretty gnarly, straight up black ‘n’ roll. There is more diversity as things move on, however. It sticks like molasses to a black metal feel, which is slightly surprising, because they are tagged up online as “sludge”. Yup, it’s plenty slow, but it’s not sludge. At least, not as I know it. It has more in common with Satyricon than Soilent Green. There’s no overtly technical playing at here, but the character carries for miles. Simplicity and vitriol are key, so much so that tracks such as Piss Ritual even have a hint of Nirvana or Stiltskin to them… If you can imagine that turned malevolent and underground, you’re in the right zone.
Grade: B+
Slow Dragon
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Primitive Vices – Savage Sonic Sermons (album)

Savage Sonic Sermons is the very first album from Edinburgh’s Primitive Vices, showing a band developed beyond their years.
PV bridge a lot of gaps, here. With some Southern rock tinged riffs, and scattered shouty-rap vocals, there’s a little hint of Stuck Mojo. However, Savage Sonic Sermons also incorporates touches of progressive doom, with some cracking, spiralling, bluesy solos. Additionally, we’re treated to a kind of lumbering death-thrash, and clean sections, embodying the spirit of Ride The Lightning. And is that a nod to Gojira I hear..? There is so much play in the songwriting, the listener will always find something fresh. The production is a little filthy, but in a manner which makes it feel ‘live’. This could easily be a high quality gig recording. It kind of adds to the extreme metal vibe, which surfaces throughout. As first releases go, this is a stellar effort, and taps into that sensation which got many of us hooked on truly heavy music to begin with. A very promising start!
Grade: B+
Slow Dragon
Feeding Frenzy: Psycroptic, Thundermother, & more – 26||07||22
Psycroptic – Divine Council (album)

Four years since As The Kingdom Drowns, Australian technical death metallers, Psycroptic, are back with album number eight!
A gut-wrenching tension sets the tone of Divine Council from the very first note. This slab of delightfully tight, technical death is an instant and absolute pleasure, and not a moment is wasted in getting going. No meandering intro. No samples to ease you in. Just straight to the riffs! And furious riffs they are! As technical as it is, and it surely is that, it’s not shy of a hook or ten. Woven into the labyrinthine maelstrom is a thrash sensibility, which lends surprising, though fleeting moments of catchiness. These sections will be left impaled in the memory, once the chaos has ended. This Shadowed World & The Prophets Council are of particular note in this effect. Enslavement goes even further, making this the core of its being. That number will be coming to you in your dreams! More musically complex than ever before, this album will impress, but also entertain extreme metal minds.
Grade: A+ (bonus credit for taking it to the next level!)
Slow Dragon
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Thundermother – Black & Gold (album)

Yet again, Thundermother nail their own brand of hard rock, with album number five.
If we’re being honest, there aren’t that many bands who can truly encapsulate a real, retro rock sound like this. It usually comes of as overly cheesy, trying to hard, and, well, lacking guts & veracity. There’s no such struggle for Thundermother on Black & Gold. The combination of dirty rock riffs, and powerful, smokey vocals brings an undeniable authenticity. While it’s no Slave To The Grind, it is in that sphere. It’s energising, uplifting, easy to get into, and consistently memorable. For some, this will almost certainly be too much the case. But fuck ’em! Simple, rock ‘n’ roll fun still has its place, and this is a great example of a band rolling up their sleeves and getting it done! Even the ballads (which usually get a skip from me on similar records) are a good fit. If you already know the band, you already know what you’re getting here. If not, get stuck in, and crank the volume!
Grade: A-
Slow Dragon
Feeding Frenzy: Psycroptic, Thundermother, & more – 26||07||22
Feeding Frenzy: Psycroptic, Thundermother, & more – 26||07||22