M2TM 2022 Is Go!

M2TM 2022 Is Go

M2TM 2022 Is Go

Yes, Metal 2 The Masses has been given the official green light for 2022 from Bloodstock HQ!

With upwards of 23 regions represented, M2TM is a superb gateway for heavy bands to build and grow, and Slow Dragon Music are handling Scotland for a second time.

As we all know, global pandemic threw a massive spanner in the works, not only for Bloodstock itself, but for the M2TM initiative. This was an incredibly frustrating hurdle for SDM’s first year at the helm in Scotland. Equally so for the participating bands, who really put their shoulder to the wheel, and built up an admirable head of steam. Thanks to considerable help, though – from La Belle Angele, DM Audio/DM …? , as well as Bear and Squatter from the BOA team – we were able to deliver a top notch streaming final. Not the ideal ending, but a viable conclusion to a testing 20 months for all involved.

With luck on our side, this time around will be much smoother. In Scotland, Slow Dragon Music will still be following the format put forward in 2019. Heats will be hosted in several regions around the country. Semi-finals will then condense to The North, Tayside, The South-East, and The West. The Grand Final, as was the plan last year, will take place at La Belle Angele in Edinburgh, April 30th. Make sure to prepare yourselves! Not only will this be an early start, but we have Scotland’s ultimate metal club night to take you to small hours, Keep It Steel!

Any bands interested in taking part, please contact slowdragonmusic@gmail.com as soon as possible! The first slots are already filling up!

With 23 plus regions taking part, this is great opportunity for bands, near and far, to connect with the metal community at large. Head on over to the official Bloodstock update for more information.

Read more about Metal 2 The Masses: Scotland

M2TM 2022 Is Go