Nick Laidlaw solo single premier (interview)
Most people on the Scottish metal scene – and further afield – will know the name Seed Of Sorrow.
One of Inverness’ heaviest exports, they have been stomping around for some time, and nailing slots on various illustrious live bills (obviously, we mean Hordes X!). Each member, though, has personal talents up their sleeves. The most recent to swirl to the surface is that of Nick Laidlaw, who is just putting the final touches to his upcoming solo album, Stasis. Today, we premier the first track, the single What We Become.
Nick says “It’s basically about a power struggle in life. Whether it’s government, or a person, and how becoming evil to extinguish another evil is sometimes not the best response“.
This is a message we think needs to be heard more in modern life. Polarisation is doing society no favours. One has to wonder if the rest of the album will follow suit.
Nick Laidlaw: I wouldn’t say so. For example, I have one song simply about a computer game series I enjoy. Another one is dealing with the enemy that is my own brain, and others, I’m just telling stories.
A collection of personal mental meanderings?
NL: That’s exactly what it is!

Nick Laidlaw (credit Kenneth Millen)
So, lyrical content aside, what sets this project apart from Seed Of Sorrow in musical terms?
NL: It’s not too far away from what we do in Seed Of Sorrow. I tried to keep things melodic and heavy and there’s a touch of clean singing in it too. There’s times I tried to capture that mid 2000’s metalcore era that got me into the heavier side of metal. My aim of this was purely to write music I enjoy listening to.
And listening back to it, do you feel you achieved that goal?
NL: I feel like I have yes. I’m quite proud of what I’ve done and if others who listen to it enjoy it too that would such a great bonus.
This was started as a casual project, I believe, but you have mentioned that you feel further albums may be on the cards. How far along in your mind are you on that front?
NL: I enjoy making music too much so I imagine once this album is fully released I’ll get to work of the second one more or less straight after
So we could potentially expect a constant flow?
NL: I would very much like to have an album done every 1-2 years but I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself
On a technical front, doing everything yourself sounds quite daunting, but also freeing. How did you find it, being responsible for every part of putting this together, after working with others for so long?
NL: It was hard. Along with stress and overthinking I gained a whole new appreciation to the production side of things and it’s something I want to be really good at. Nothing compares to writing songs with the SOS guys. I belong in a band and look forward to continue writing and performing with them soon.
What We Become is also available to buy on Nick’s Bandcamp page, for just one pound! It will reach other streaming services soon. If you like what you hear, prepare for the full album release Summer 2021!
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Nick Laidlaw solo single premier (interview)