Tag: Crowdfunding

What does a successful crowdfunded release look like?

successful crowdfunded release

Underground In Prydain: What does a successful crowdfunded release look like? Originally posted 09th June 2014 In spite of the current surrounding buzz, crowdfunding isn’t really a new concept. I think everyone reading this article will have come across a variety of tin-shakers trying to raise the money to support…

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The band, the fan, & the love/hate of crowdfunding


Underground In Prydain: The band, the fan, & the love/hate of crowdfunding. Originally posted 03rd June 2014 This week Underground In Prydain is planning a pretty hefty interview on crowdfunding, but before that goes public, here’s some general information on the subject. First up, if you don’t know what it is, crowdfunding…

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