Hordes X 2021: recap. Just before the original Slow Dragon Music site went under, we announced that Hordes X 2020 would not be happening, due to the corona-virus pandemic, and the current restrictions surrounding live events. Instead, the event, along with all the bands already announced, will be rolling over…
Tag: Hordes Of Belial
Posted in Articles, DRAGON FIRE - NEWS, Features, Hordes X
Hordes X 2021: recap
admin September 7, 2020
Posted in Articles, DRAGON FIRE - NEWS
Slow Dragon Music is back on the web!!!
admin September 7, 2020
2020; The year that keeps on giving. Most recently, it gave Slow Dragon Music a catastrophic website failure, which was a delight only suitable to this current solar cycle! The dragon is a patient creature, though, and now, slowly, re-emerges from this unexpected torpor… The site basics are still the…
Underground In Prydain: 2015 – Fave Five Metal Moments Originally posted 31st December 2015 Hello folks! Season’s greetings, and all that jazz! Hope you’re doing well, and your festive cheer hasn’t been worn down to a stump by the current pro/anti ‘top ten/five’ internet article grumbles, debates, and rants that…