Feeding Frenzy 05||12||21 Welcome to Slow Dragon Music‘s review Feeding Frenzy, where we go snapping and snarling through notable recent and upcoming releases. ***we like to arrange our meals in alphabetical order*** Djinn-Ghül – Mechalith (EP) Release Date: 09th December 2021||Genre: Industrial death metal||Label: Vicious Instinct Records The first of…
Tag: Industrial
Posted in Articles, FEEDING FRENZY - REVIEWS
Sectlinefor – Kissing Strangers During An Outbreak (album)
admin May 25, 2021
Sectlinefor – Kissing Strangers During An Outbreak (album) Release date: 28th May 2021||Genre: Industrial||Label: Self released I… Um… Huh..? I think, unless they’re familiar with Sectlinefor‘s previous efforts, a lot of people are going to be lost here. Ok, a couple of parts are a bit more straightforward. However, the…
Posted in Articles, DRAGON FIRE - NEWS
Slow Dragon Music is back on the web!!!
admin September 7, 2020
2020; The year that keeps on giving. Most recently, it gave Slow Dragon Music a catastrophic website failure, which was a delight only suitable to this current solar cycle! The dragon is a patient creature, though, and now, slowly, re-emerges from this unexpected torpor… The site basics are still the…