Tag: Secret Service Records

Cattle Decapitation European dates

Cattle Decapitation European dates

Dragon Fire: Cattle Decapitation European dates   Dragon Fire is Slow Dragon Music’s irregular news roundup, filled with flaming chunks of fleshy goodness! Cattle Decapitation have just announced a string of live dates across Europe, including festivals, and the UK. For three long years, the mighty Death Atlas has been…

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Chaosfear: Could You Be Loved cover

Chaosfear: Could You Be Loved

Dragon Fire: Chaosfear: Could You Be Loved   Dragon Fire is Slow Dragon Music’s irregular news roundup, filled with flaming chunks of fleshy goodness! Brazilian metal troupe, Chaosfear have laid down a very catchy cover of Bob Marley classic, Could You Be Loved. Better known for pulsing groove metal, the…

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