Tag: Stoner Metal

Feeding Frenzy: Cognizance, Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol and more

Feeding Frenzy: Cognizance, Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol and more – 15||02||24 Welcome to Slow Dragon Music‘s review Feeding Frenzy, where we go snapping and snarling through notable recent and upcoming releases. ***we like to arrange our meals in alphabetical order***  Cognizance – Phantazein (album) It’s time to get tech-ed up…

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Warlung – Optical Delusions (album)

Warlung - Optical Delusions

Warlung – Optical Delusions (album) Release date: 09th October 2020||Genre: Classic rock/metal|| Label: Heavy Psych Sounds The final entry in our triple hit of “old but new” reviews this week, is Warlung. Possibly the least heavy of our trilogy, these Texans lean hard on proto-metal and classic rock. As such,…

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Slow Dragon Music is back on the web!!!

2020; The year that keeps on giving. Most recently, it gave Slow Dragon Music a catastrophic website failure, which was a delight only suitable to this current solar cycle! The dragon is a patient creature, though, and now, slowly, re-emerges from this unexpected torpor… The site basics are still the…

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