Underground In Prydain: Underground In Prydain Archives Victory! We’ve managed to dredge the vaults and find pretty much all of the old Underground In Prydain articles! For those of you who don’t know, UIP originally started as simple blog. It covered some of the ‘hot topics’ in the music industry,…
Tag: Underground In Prydain
Underground In Prydain: Ramage Inc – Write with us Originally posted 02nd May 2020 We are, as they say, living in unprecedented times. Among the many groups adversely affected by the current situation, those in the music industry are certainly feeling the strain. Promoters and venues can’t put on events….
Fede Valls – M2TM Glasgow (interview)
Underground In Prydain: Fede Valls – M2TM Glasgow Originally posted 07th March 2018 As far as UK ‘battle of the bands’ events go, particularly for underground metal, they don’t come hotter than Bloodstock‘s Metal 2 The Masses. The competition sees the country light up with heavy music activity every year….
Underground In Prydain: 2015 – Fave Five Metal Moments Originally posted 31st December 2015 Hello folks! Season’s greetings, and all that jazz! Hope you’re doing well, and your festive cheer hasn’t been worn down to a stump by the current pro/anti ‘top ten/five’ internet article grumbles, debates, and rants that…
Underground In Prydain: Ahead Of The Herd Originally posted 29th December 2015 IT has been quite a while since a subject grabbed enough attention to draw an article out of Underground In Prydain. Last time, we posted an overview article on the opinions and issues surrounding PR for underground bands….
Underground In Prydain: Standing For Attention Originally posted 27th December 2015 The music scene is a noisy place, and with more access to connection between bands and music lovers than ever before, everyone is screaming out to be noticed, to greater or lesser degrees. Traditionally, the role of PR agent…
Underground In Prydain: Hedged Bets And Clever Spreads Originally posted 10th September 2014 In the last post Underground In Prydain discussed the relevance of physical releasing to the unsigned artist. Is it worth forking out more to reach a wider audience after the initial costs of getting your music recorded?…
Underground In Prydain: Forms Of Release Originally posted 03rd September 2014 The issues surrounding releasing a new record have long been a bone of contention in the music industry. Many theorise, and with some strong supporting evidence, that people have to hear music before they are even remotely interested in…
Underground In Prydain: Seeking fortune in the bright lights! Originally posted 27th August 2014 Originally kicking off her music career in Perth, Scotland, Gemma Fox knows all about the struggles of a small town artist. However, she has also familiarised herself with the pressures of taking on the underground in…
Underground In Prydain: Location, location, location Originally posted 20th August 2014 I’m sure most people who have had a serious relationship with music will have realised some time ago that certain places are music places. There’s no denying how important London was to the development of punk, Birmingham was to metal, or…